A delightful, charming, warm, funny, sad, inspiring and lovable film! We loved it. But then we're seniors. Younger folks just might not "get it." But there is so much that is so good here, not the least of which is the wonderful chemistry between Christopher Plummer and Shirley Maclaine. They are superb to-gether and exhibit a special "something" that goes beyond their formidable individual acting talents. I don't know why it was shot in New Orleans. The city plays no part in the story. Indeed if you were not familiar with the St. Charles streetcar which trundles across the screen repeatedly and needlessly, you might not even know it is New Orleans. But aside from such minor nitpicking on my part, it is a tremendously warm and human movie with two superbly crafted characters played by two brilliant stars. Good entertainment for anybody. Essential entertainment for anybody over 65!
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
I didn't expect too much of this but came away pleasantly surprised. Maclaine and Plummer had good chemistry and it was a good reminder that life and feelings don't stop with the first grey hair. I thought the relationships between parents and children were realistic as it's almost a role reversal and the children start treating the parents like children. It was a change watching a love story that didn't involve a handsome young man and a beautiful young woman and showed that love is love no matter what age you are when you find it. Although the plot was predictable, it was a nice ride and one I would recommend for a Sunday afternoon.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
If you are of a certain age and still hopeful about life and love, you will love this movie. Shirley MacLaine and Christopher Plummer are perfectly cast and give wonderful performances, especially Shirley. I will not go into the plot or reveal any spoilers but suffice it say that this is the perfect lazy, glass of wine with cheese and fruit Saturday afternoon movie for those of guys of a certain age.